
STFSC is sanctioned by the American Kennel Club for Agility trials, one of the AKC's 
newest events. Agility competition is exciting and fun for the dogs, their owners, their handlers and the spectators as well. The AKC Agility Program was developed to recognize dogs that exhibit superior performance in the sport of Agility. Speed and consistency are 
the two major qualities denoting "superior performance" and the basis for obtaining titles from the Novice Class to the highest title--Master Agility Champion. The Program includes Standard Agility Trials (Agility) and its classes and titles as well as Jumpers With Weaves (JWW) and its classes and titles.

Agility offers that purebred of yours who loves to jump over a fence, leap onto the sofa and hang from the chandelier, to earn ribbons and titles by putting those skills to use. In an Agility trial, a dog demonstrates its ability to negotiate a complex course that includes a walk over a bridge, jumping over objects, crawling through tunnels, and pausing on command. The Classes have different height categories to ensure that any registered dog that is at least one year old can compete and be tested fairly on a course. In addition, Agility trials are open to all breeds or specialty clubs can hold Agility competition just for their breed. 
event. Family members of all ages can be involved in everything from building the obstacles, to training your Shih Tzu to handling to having a great time at the Trails, cheering your little competitor to a win.


Purpose, Classes, Requirements, 

And Titles For Standard Agility

PURPOSE: The purpose of AKC Agility trials is to give owners an opportunity to demonstrate a dog's willingness to work with its handler under a variety of conditions. The program begins with basic entry level agility, and progresses to more complex levels that require dogs to demonstrate higher levels of training and interaction with their handlers.

CLASSES: There are three Classes and five titles that can be earned in Standard Agility competition--Novice Agility (NA), Open Agility (OA) and Agility Excellent (AX). 

Novice Agility (NA). This Class is divided into two divisions. Division A is for persons and dogs that have never acquired an agility title. Division B is for dogs that have acquired an agility title and are earning points towards for an Open Agility title. Division B is for persons that have handled a dog to an agility title and for agility judges as well.

Open Agility (OA). This Class is open to dogs that have acquired a Novice Agility title and are competing for an Open Agility title or dogs that hold Open Agility titles and are competing for Agility Excellent.

Agility Excellent (AX). This Class is divided into Division A for dogs that have obtained the Open Agility title and are competing for Agility Excellent (MX). Division B is limited to dogs that have obtained Agility Excellent and are competing for the titles of Master Agility Excellent (MX) and Master Agility Champion. The process that leads to obtaining a Master Agility Champion (MACH) title is explained below, under the "Scoring" category.

TITLES: Titles the competing dogs can obtain are: Novice Agility, Open Agility, Agility Excellent, Master Agility Excellent, and Master Agility Champion. As the dogs obtain the Class the initials of the Class are added to their registered name. Each title's initials is replaced when the dog earns a higher title. For example, the dog carries an NA after its name. When the dog obtains the Open Agility title, the NA is dropped and OA is added and so on.

REQUIREMENTS: Novice Agility course requires a total of 12-13 obstacles and 3 or 4 challenges. Mandatory obstacles include a dog walk, A-frame, seesaw, pause table, one open and one closed tunnel, tire/circle or window jump, broad jump, panel jump, double bar jump and 2-3 additional jumps or open tunnels. No prohibited obstacles include weave poles, triple bar and one bar jumps. Challenges may be side-switches without options or call-offs, or minor call-offs or options. 

Agility Open course requires a total of 15-17 obstacles and of 5-7 challenges. Mandatory obstacles include a dog walk, A-frame, seesaw, pause table, one open and one closed tunnel, 6-12 weave poles, tire/circle or window jump, broad jump, panel jump and double bar jump. 4-6 additional obstacles that may include jumps and open tunnels. No prohibited obstacles: one bar jump. Challenges must include at least one side switch with a major call-off or a major call-off or a major trap. 

Additional challenges could include side switches with minor call-offs or options, weave-on-right advantage, lead-out advantage at start and/or pause table, minor to major call-offs or options, minor to major traps, handler restrictions.
Agility Excellent course requires a total of 18-20 obstacles and 8-10 challenges. 

Mandatory obstacles include a dog walk, A-frame, seesaw, pause table, one open and one closed tunnel, 6-12 weave poles, tire/circle or window jump, panel jump, double bar jump, triple bar jump, one bar jump, and 5-7 additional obstacles that may include jumps and open tunnels. Challenges must include at least two major call-off or major traps or a combination of one call-off and one major trap, at least two side switches with minor to major call-offs or options; at least one lead-out advantage at the start and/or pause table, at least two additional challenges that would include a weave-on right advantage, or a difficult angle approach to obstacles, or handler restrictions. 


PURPOSE: Jumpers With Weaves (JWW) is intended to be a fun and competitive way to demonstrate a working relationship between dog and handler. In this class, dogs are not slowed down by the careful performance and control required by the contact obstacles and pause table. Dog/handler teams can race through a course composed primarily of jumps demonstrating a dog's speed and jumping ability. 

CLASSES: Classes and their Divisions in JWW are identical to the Standard Agility Classes but the Class identifications are changed. The word "agility" is replaced with the acronym JWW, e.g. Novice JWW, Open JWW, Excellent JWW, and Master Excellent JWW. 

TITLES:  The titles in JWW have a  "J" added to differentiate between Standard Agility trials and Jumpers With Weaves trials. Novice Agility is identified as NAJ, Open Agility--OAJ, Agility Excellent--AXJ, Master Excellent--MXJ. The Master Agility Championship title (MACH) does not change.
A Novice JJJ course requires 13 mandatory obstacles with a maximum of 15 obstacles. Mandatory obstacles include a double bar jump,  weave poles, and single bar jumps. 
An Open JJJ course requires 16 mandatory obstacles with a maximum of 18 obstacles. Mandatory obstacles include a double bar jump, triple bar jump, 6 to 12 weave poles, single bar jumps and one bar jumps.
The Excellent JJJ course requires 18 mandatory obstacles with a maximum of 20 obstacles. Mandatory obstacles include a double bar jump, triple bar jump, 10-12 weave poles, single bar jumps and one bar jumps.
Any of the courses may elect to use optional obstacles that include an open tunnel, closed tunnel, broad jump, panel jump, tire jump, and window jump.
To acquire a Standard Agility or Jumpers With Weaves title, dogs must earn a qualifying score in its respective class on three separate occasions under two different judges. The maximum attainable score in any class is 100 points. In order to earn a qualifying score, the dogs must pass with a score of 85 points or better, and receive no non-qualifying deductions. Dogs must have a qualifying score to be eligible for a placement. The four highest scores are awarded first through fourth placements, with tied scores decided by the fastest time.
To obtain the Master Agility Champion title (MACH), a dog must achieve a minimum of 750 Championship Points and 20 Double Qualifying scores obtained in the Excellent B Classes for Standard Agility Class and/or Jumpers With Weaves Class. A dog does not have to obtain the MX or MXJ title prior to acquiring scores that count towards the MACH title. Therefore, any score of 100 obtained in the Excellent B Classes will count towards a dog's MACH requirements as well as its MX or MXJ title. 
One champion point is awarded for each full second under the standard course time. Dogs placing first in their class double their championship points. Dogs placing 2nd in their class receive 1-1/2 times their standard championship points. Double Quality points (2Qs) are offered to dogs qualifying in both the Standard Agility Class and the JWW Class on the same day.
The MACH title initials will be followed by a numeric designation indicating the quantity of times the dog has met the requirements of the MACH title e.g. 1500 champion points and 40 Double Qualify points equal a MACH2.

Training your dog for Agility competition can be a real family

Email AKC Customer Service to request a list of breed and obedience clubs that offer agility competition or visit the AKC website at If you would like to learn more about Agility, wish to entire a dog, build an obstacle course in your backyard for Agility training, or if you have some questions about this great sporting competition, the AKC can provide the answers, or email us and we will do our best to help you.