Backyard Breeders/ Puppy Mills

What is a backyard breeder? Or a puppy mill?

The following excerpt is from Wikipedia and best describes backyard breeders and puppy mills.

Backyard Breeder

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Backyard Breeder is a general term, often considered derogatory, used in USA to 
describe people who breed animals, often without registration. In some cases the 
animals are inbred narrowly for looks with little regard to health.

The term most often is used to describe certain types of breeders of dogs and horses. The term is used in this sense by the Animal Welfare community, The American Society 
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), larger established breeders and breed clubs in contrast to the more positive term, "reputable breeder" that describes operations that use responsible methodology and practices.

It implies either or both of home breeding for non-commercial reasons or a for-profit 
small commercial operation that does not adhere to good breeding, care and sale 

Larger commercial operations of a similar type that breed dogs are usually termed a
puppy mill (especially in North America) or puppy farm. However, as large 
kennels usually require licensing, many puppy mills are licensed with the USDA.

Many small breeders resent the term and its use. Some do so because they assert
that they run small, but high-quality "boutique" operations. Others argue that their unregistered animals are highly desirable as companion animals and economical for ordinary people to purchase. Both groups deny that they contribute to low quality or produce unwanted animals.

This type of breeder is usually regarded by the Animal Welfare, ASPCA, and other groups 
as likely to exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:

Ignorance of selective breeding goals and techniques, and lack of familiarity with the 
breed standard of the type of animal being bred.

Exclusive focus on the breed standard involving little genetic screening or co-efficient of Inbreeding calculations.

Breeding of a working breed for appearance rather than working ability. This is a 
criticism also levelled at 'reputable' breeders who breed for the show ring - in some 
cases distinctworking and show strains have emerged.

Lack of adequate veterinary care and maintenance.

Excessive breeding from individual females, to the detriment of their health.

Sale of animals with genetic disorders or undisclosed illnesses before they become 
evident to buyers.

Lack of screening of potential owners or the provision of suitable information to prevent buyers from purchasing an animal that may be inappropriate for them or their lifestyle.

Breeding of animals for illegitimate reasons, such as for horse slaughter or the usually illegal sports of baiting and dog fighting or to defend venues of criminal activity.
Dog fanciers generally believe that such ill-bred dogs are the reason for the bad 
reputation of some breeds in the public perception, and the resulting breed-specific legislation. The production of "PMU foals" from pregnant mares bred solely for their urine production (used in the making of the drug Premarin) is also widely condemned due to
the frequency with which the progeny of such breedings are shipped directly to 
slaughter. Breeding without concern for the possibility of finding homes, though
commercial means or otherwise, for offspring, thus adding to the population of 
unwanted dogs and to the slaughter of horses for meat.

There are campaigns to reduce or eliminate this type of breeding in several countries as well as video campaigns by groups like ASPCA that emphasize the importance of understanding the responsibilities associated with owning an animal. The primary 
concern of the Animal Welfare community is that this type of breeding is the major
source of pet animals and that overproduction has led to overpopulation and hence to welfare issues and the putting down of animals for no other reason than the lack of 
suitable home.